Moscow art exhibition
“Present Perfect Continuous”, hosted by Zverev Contemporary Art Centre in Moscow, has just finished. This show was a collaboration between artnumber23 here in London, and the Zverev Contemporary Art Centre. My contribution to the show was my portrait “Michael”, which the organisers kindly placed in a frame before showing.
Update – Missing in Moscow

This is the poster I shared on social media, when my painting “Michael” went missing on its return from a show in Moscow. My painting, along with over a dozen others, were being shipped back to London, to the co-organisers of the event here. Somewhere enroute, the box containing all the artworks was damaged, half the artworks were reboxed, given a new tracking number, and found their way successfully to London. The remaining artworks have disappeared into some limbo between the Russian and British courier companies. Each side is blaming the other, with neither accepting liability. All the time treating the lost “items” with about as much sympathy as they would deal with a lost book or DVD. With my painting now lost to me, part of me hopes that it has been stolen, and is hanging on someone’s wall, giving them pleasure. The terrible truth is that it has most likely been mashed up by a clumsy forklift driver, and thrown in the bin like it was a dirty pair of socks.